Part of my job as a synagogue director is engagement. I am constantly looking for and thinking of ways I can engage each and every demographic within our congregation and we have many! We have the following subsets of Jews:
Queer Jews
Young Jewish Families
Jewish Artists
Jewish Writers
Jewish Teens
Jewish Children
Old Jews
Young Jews
Married Jews
College-aged Jews
Disabled Jews
And, as you can imagine, more (do Jewish dogs and cats count?). So how do I engage? How do I think of ways that will make them love being Jewish and want to come to shul? What brings everyone joy? What is accessible to all; but also what holds space for specific groups of people?
I do lots of things to provide opportunities but one thing that I've found everyone likes and brings a smile to their faces is the cheapest, easiest freebie ever: Shabbat candle matches.
I buy this for $24:

And these for $13:

I use Canva to create my images:
Honestly, they are my pride and joy.
Shabbat Shalom!