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A Few Days at the Beach

We're lucky that my parents live on the coast. We get to visit them AND have access to one of the most beautiful places in the PNW - the Oregon Coast. We used to go a lot more often but the kids are older now and 1/2 of them don't want to make the 3 hour trek (3 hours is not that long!), they wanna stay back with friends, or they have their own activities that take up days on the calendar. But for the first time in months, we made it to the beach.

It was windy. And while I thought it was a little too much, it didn't stop the kids from walking down to the (freezing) water, dipping their toes in, and playing in the sand.

It was just the youngest two. The middle two are still at camp and the older two chose to stay back home. These two get along better when it's just the two of them and watching them play makes me so happy. Don't get me wrong, there was still some bickering. But overall it was pretty mellow and nice.

And of course, we took advantage of the firework stands around town and had a little fun.

The kids had a blast (see what I did there?) but now we're home doing laundry and cooking for ourselves after being spoiled by Papa and Lala.

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